With the entry into conflict between Russia and Ukraine, many are wondering what has evolved in the communication management of world conflicts. And what role does the Internet play within the tense scenarios generated in each particular situation?
In the past, news traveled the world in a couple of days. Now, however, it is transmitted from the Internet the minute by minute of this and all the conflicts that are generated.
In addition, the Internet has become one of the new scenarios where the wars of attack and counterattack unfold. Since hackers have seen the opportunity to develop all kinds of small or massive attacks against the same target.
El internet como medio de comunicación
Si bien se conoce que las guerras han podido ser transmitidas antes por televisión –caso de la guerra del golfo (1990-1991, retransmitida en vivo por el canal CNN, o la guerra de Irak (2003)- el internet como medio masivo de comunicación, ha jugado un nuevo rol dentro del papel de comunicar, ya no de forma unidireccional.
Y es que, en la red los conflictos mundiales no se ven como noticias y ya, sino que se ven como escenarios posibles, donde cada persona en el mundo puede involucrarse, opinar y reflexionar sobre los hechos. La red ha hecho que todo suceda con inmediatez y se comunique desde diferentes vías, y no solo como un aparato que envía la información hacía un receptor.
The Internet as a means of communication
While it is known that wars have been broadcast on television before - as in the case of the Gulf War (1990-1991, broadcast live on CNN, or the Iraq war (2003) - the Internet as a mass media has played a new role in the role of communication, no longer in a unidirectional way.
On the net, world conflicts are no longer seen as news and that's it, but as possible scenarios, where every person in the world can get involved, give their opinion and reflect on the facts. The network has made everything happen with immediacy and is communicated in different ways, and not only as a device that sends information to a receiver.
The network as a stage for world conflicts
In the global conflicts that have occurred in the last 15 years, the Internet has become known as a new battlefield. And is that governments or groups linked to the facts constantly record attacks on the most important virtual platforms they have, is a constant attack and defense of digital fronts.
Hackers from all positions involved are doing their thing on the network level. And this scenario is not accidental, but causal.
Many investigations link the daily lives of millions of people to the world of the network and is that banking information and all kinds of information is recorded within the networks of each country, making citizens have a certain dependence on the operation of the platforms in charge.
When it comes to sabotage against governments, hackers have implemented large DDoS attacks that manage to destabilize pages of public ministries, national banks or even manage to alter the energy networks or supply of public services.
Governments even create their own army of hackers to counterattack and prevent possible breaches or espionage of their national platforms.
Social networks as part of the landscape
As we enter the Internet, we find a proliferation of social networks, and in them we also experience the new global conflicts. In the networks, the amount of information on each topic is massified, but often the quality of such information is not so truthful.
Social networks handle a kind of duality in the face of world conflicts. On the one hand, people who are living through the events can and do share information, images and experiences in real time, just as public institutions and organizations ensure truth and transparency in the facts.
And on the other hand, they are also used to infuse disinformation campaigns or fakenews. This is mainly used as a strategy to delegitimize some kind of important event, or to distort the real information of what is happening.
In both cases, networks will continue to be part of current and future world conflicts. They are part of the daily life of society in general.