We have access to fiber optic almost everywhere we go. We are very used to having access to the digital world in a simple way. And almost without realizing it, we have incorporated it as something natural in our lives.
So much so that we do not take a moment to think about the great infrastructure that is in place to provide us users with such useful access to the Internet.
Yes, it is true that in some places it is still difficult to find signal but the area covered by Internet coverage is becoming wider and wider. Even before, it used to happen that when we went up a mountain or a little further away from the big cities, the connection became unstable or even null, but with time this has been improving making it possible to have fiber optic internet connection almost everywhere.
Did you know that spacecraft, even when they are more than 400 kilometers high and traveling at high speeds, have a connection?
Even in some remote places in the ocean, they are able to pick up signals. This is thanks to the great expansion of fiber optic connections.
Fiber optics makes it all possible
How is this possible? Due to the important developments in technology and in combination with fiber optics almost anything is possible. As a company from LDTelecom, we create strategic plans so that in this way both companies in remote areas and populations in high or isolated places, can also have the benefit of Internet connection. Because today the Internet is, beyond entertainment, a connection with the family, an approach with friends, a source of education and also fulfills many other roles that are indispensable for our daily lives.
Technology continues to expand
As well as everyday personal use, companies and governments see the need to extend terrestrial Internet connection networks via fiber optics into space.
This will facilitate communication between satellites in space and the companies that govern them on the ground. Thanks to advances in telecommunication technology, the connection between satellites and ground networks will be of high quality, offering better connection quality over a wider territory than at present.
This brings only benefits for the users, who will see the field of use of the networks expanded. What is also provided is uninterrupted, higher quality and continuous communication.
Connecting the future
Internet connectivity in space is a vision of the future. Although it is similar to the terrestrial connection, it is not the same mechanism. In this case, the communication is done via laser and the frequencies are divided.
So, for a circuit of high complexity and utility, the fiber optic network is actually a hybrid connection, which brings the benefit of offering higher quality connectivity to the ground and to space.
The result of this hybrid connection is an improvement within the optical matrix, which consequently increases the capacity of the main network. And the broadband becomes a broadband of superior characteristics to the current ones.