Encouraging children to use the Internet correctly is becoming increasingly difficult as new technologies and devices emerge. Digital security is constantly threatened by hundreds of cybercriminals operating around the world.
Against this backdrop, it is important that all adults who have children and adolescents in their care, whether they are family directors, teachers, teachers or caregivers, know how to advise them to prevent them from becoming victims of these online thugs.
For this reason, here are some tips on how to educate children in the correct use of the Internet.

Discuss the dangers of the network
One of the best ways to ensure children's digital safety is to talk to them about the dangers of the Internet. By talking to them about the threats that exist on the Internet, children will be forewarned while surfing. In this way, they will be able to react quickly and ask for help in case they find themselves in a risky situation.
Warn them that, just as in real life, many of the people behind a screen or social profile can be bad. The Internet is full of stalkers, hackers or other types of criminals who are trying to do harm to network users.
Establishes rules for the correct use of the Internet
The second step after talking to the children about the dangers is to establish rules for the correct use of the Internet. Define how and for what purpose they will use their time on the net, marking different times for each purpose, so you can be vigilant during surfing.
It is also important to remind them that, just as in the real world, they should not reveal their personal information, phone number and address. Also, ask them never to send photos of themselves or family members to strangers.
Use parental control mechanisms
To increase the levels of digital security you can also resort to parental control mechanisms. Through them, you will have the opportunity to limit or block the access of children and young people to certain websites, social networks and more.
Although bans are not always a good thing, in this case they are an effective alternative to prevent minors from accessing inappropriate, violent or dangerous content.
Requires a minimum age for use
Another point to keep in mind when it comes to children and Internet use is age. Currently contact with telephones and computers occurs in the first years of life, it does not mean that it is a favorable situation.
For example, several studies have shown that infants and toddlers who spend long periods of time with mobile devices can develop visual, motor and even socialization problems.
Fija una edad mínima para el uso de computadores y smartphones, así como para el registro en las redes sociales.
Teach by doing
Imitation is one of the main methods of child learning. It is common for a child to learn to do a certain action after seeing an adult doing it. This being so, why don't you encourage yourself to set an example by using the Internet?
Show them that, when surfing, you always check if the pages have a security certificate and that, if you forget to do so, you go back when the "insecure connection" alert appears. Avoid disclosing photos showing children's faces on public profiles and do not provide important information to strangers.